Monday, May 9, 2016

#7 Cities and Urban Land Use

                                                       Urban Land Use in Salzburg

Salzburg is one of the major cities in Austria and it is a cultural center that is often visited by tourists.
The buildings in the center of the city are located  close to each other because of the limited amount of space. The urban landscape in the center cannot be modified much because it's a historical site and the government of Austria wants to preserve it.

Many apartments in the center are expensive because of the proximity to services and because they are historical. The newer buildings are located outside the old town, for example near the train station. The apartments near the train station are much smaller to acommodate space and cheaper because they are in more noisy and less attractive part of the town.
older apartments in the center

cheaper and newer apartments outside historical center

Most of services are located in the center and many extra services are created because of the tourists. The old town has mostly services related to entertainment, such as Landes Theater and shops but there are also banks, police, post offices, and other essential services.

one of the service- Landes Theater
The farther away from the old town, the more space for buildings there is. There are also newer buildings and houses, instead of apartments, become more common. Because Austria is more developed country, it has many services outside the center of the city, even in small villages (ex. supermarkets, post offices, banks, fire service).

fire service in agricultural area

other example of service outside the center
Moosstrasse is a street located near the center of city but at the same time, more on the rural area. There are mainly one-family houses and farmlands. The land is there expensive because of proximity to town and also because the city government wants to preserve green, agricultural area. That's why the houses are located along the street. Behind the houses the landscape is used for agricultural purposes.

One of the houses on Moosstrasse

fields along Mossstrasse

The farther away from the center of the city, the more businesses and industries are located. There is more space and the land is used for big companies, for example car dealers, building companies, fashion design business, and also dairy industires (Salzburgerland). The small apartments outside the center of the town are cheaper but the old, family houses are still expensive because of their sizes, they are historical-passed from one family to another, and the land is attractive and expensive.
car dealer

building companies

fashion industry
People living in Salzburg urban area have a possibility to move with buses and electric buses. From the main train station, goes also Lokalbahn wich enables people to travel to nearby villages that are still considered a part of Salzburg city. Near main stations there are parking places so that people can leave their cars and travel by train to the city center which is faster and easier.


parking place near Lokalbahn

railways for transportation of products and for public transportation

Outside the center, the roads are wider and there are highways used for, for example, transportation. The city and its suburban areas and villages are all connected through roads, highways and public transportation such as local trains and buses.
Also, the farther from the center, the more green areas there are. Thr city government creates hiking and biking ways, for example along the river Salzach. Green areas are preserved and the land is used for agriculture.

transportation of products

biking and hiking road
agricultural landscape

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