Tuesday, February 16, 2016

#5 EU Regulations for Dairy Production

                                     Regulations Placed on Milk Production in Austria

Austria is a big producer of dairy products. Around 32 850 Austrian farmers produce high quality milk products. The milk and dairy production help to conserve the natural landscape. Without cows, the preservation of grass in Alpine regions wouldn't be possible. A lot of milk is organic and in 2014 the quantity of milk produced reached 3.5 million tones.

The dairy policy of Europe is developing and encouraging the producers to be more market-orientated since 1960s. It helps to create stable market conditions in EU for dairy producers. It operates in 3 areas: using trade, making direct payments to farmers, and internal market supports.
EU keeps relatively high tariffs on dairy products to sustain the market price.

There is a variety of systems concerned in milk marketing. Some of the farmers sell their milk to dairy processors but in Austria many direct their milk to consumers, as well.
The milk quota system was developed in Europe, in 1984 and it set a limit on the amount of milk produced per year. If the farmer produces more milk than allowed, he/she gets financial penalty.

The prices of milk are based on few factors, such as: world dairy product prices, supply and demand in EU, the fluxion of currency exchange, quality requirements and demand for certain products, support for dairy market and farmers, and the competition within food chain.

Among the main producers of milk products in Austria are: Alma and SalzburgerLand located in the Salzburg area:

Cows in Austria contribute to the natural landscape and grass preservation. They graze on the fields and eat grass. The cow manure helps the grass to grow and is also used for fertilizing the land. During summer, the cows are on the mountain regions and in fall the are herded back to mountain valleys. This event and their safe home coming is celebrated in Tirol regions and is called the Cattle Drives.

Folk Festival- Cattle Drives, celebrating safe home-coming of Austrian cows

Normally, cows are milked around twice a day. The milking machines are used that can milk many cows at the same time.  It's called the Automatic Milking System (AMS).  The use of this system is increasing and can be evaluated for its effect on cow welfare.
The milk can be directly sold to customers. Around the place I live there are milk automats in which you can buy fresh milk directly from cows. It is usually transported to the producers such as SalzburgerLand. Some produce their own dairy products such as cheese and butter.
The average price for milk is 1 euro.

cows grazing on the fields during summer

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

#4 Political Geography of Salzburg - Internet research

                                            Political Geography of Austria and Salzburg

People settled Austria since pre historic times. In 14 BC the Romans invaded the area creating the cities that exist today: Vindobona (Vienna), Juvavum (Salzburg), Valdidena (Innsbruck), and Brigantum (Vienna). Later, after the Roman Empire fell,  Austria became a part of Charlamagne's empire until it joined the Holy Roman Empire in 10th century. The political geography of Salzburg and Austria also changed significantly throughout the last 100 years. Some of the most important moments and changes of Austria are the changes in the borders, type of government, and occupation.

During the WWI, Austria-Hungary allied with Germany, Italy, and Turkey and these countries were known as Central Powers. In 1918, the Central Powers were defeated and Austria-Hungary disintegrated. It was reduced and it covered its German speaking parts.The Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and the Treaty of Trianon established the new borders of Austria and Hungary. Austria also wasn't allowed to form any deals or alliances with Germany without the control of League of Nations. It established itself as federal republic.

source: Wikipedia, Austria-Hungary and the territory after dissolution

In 1938, on March 12, Hitler announced Anschluss. Anschluss is a union of Austria with Germany – the smaller country became a part of greater German territory. Some sources, however, consider it not a union but annexation. When Hitler rose to power, Austria was less eager to join Germany but Hitler dreamt of this union because he originally came from Austria. The government of the smaller country was pressured for this union, even though Hitler promised its sovereignty. Finally, the rise of Nazi party in Austria and nazi officials appointed to government, helped him to establish the Anschluss. He gained 99.7 percent of approval. Many people were afraid to vote "no" because they could easily be discovered. The Nazi occupation of Austria marked the oppression of Jews and their emigration. Many Jews wanted to pay anything in order to leave the country and the Nazis took advantage of it. They took their valuables and money offering them freedom to leave. Austria gave the Nazis a good position and advantage during the WWII. Soon, Hitler started the occupation of Czechoslovakia which was the neighbor of Austria.

source: http://gooring.tripod.com/goo19.html, Map representing Anschluss- Austria in union with Germany

Post World War II Allied Zoning of Austria lasted 10 years, from 1945 to 1955. At the beginning, Austria was considered a part of German state but later it was decided by the Allied Powers that the country was the first victim of Nazis (because of Anschluss) during the WWII. Austria, just like Germany, was divided into four occupation zones controlled by the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and France. Vienna was divided but its center was controlled evenly by the council of Allied Powers. The occupation forces in Vienna changed every month.
The Soviet Army that came to control Austria, at the beginning, earned a reputation of violent due to its assaults. According to Austrian police records, there was a lot of criminality and many soldiers were often drunk. At that time, the Soviet governors restricted the size of Austrian police. The Soviets also assumed control of oil in their zone of occupation.
On July 1945, the Allied Powers decided on the occupation borders. Voralrberg and North Tyrol were occupied by French; Salzburg and Upper Austria were assigned to the USA; East Tyrol, Carinthia and Styria were assigned to British; and Burgenland, Lower Austria, and Muhlviertel to the Soviet zone. 

source: http://www.usarmygermany.com/Sont_USFA.htm, The map shows four occupation zones in Austria during 10 years

In 1955, at the end of occupation, Austria declared permanent neutrality. On 15 May the Austrian State Treaty was signed, giving the freedom to the country, freeing it from the occupying troops. The permanent neutrality became a part of the constitution. 

Today, Austria has a federal government and it's composed of the Chancellor-leader of the government, Vice-Chancellor, ministers, and president with government forming executive branch. Since Austria is a federal republic, it's made up of nine states (on the map). Each state elects legislature, state government, and governor. Elections are held once every five years. 
The citizen living in Salzburg on Moosstrasse would live in Salzburg state. He or she would be entitled to human rights, such as rights of the workers to form labor unions and he or she would have a possibility to participate in elections (from the age of 16). Also, from the age of 18 he or she could stand at elections (except for president who has to be 35 years old or older).

source: http://www.kidsnet.at/llaender/austria.htm, States of Austria